Our Vision
The independent authority for equine fitters -
setting standards;
promoting education;
encouraging professional practice within the industry
Voluntary Regulation for Equine Fitters
The growing recognition that professional fitting is critical to the welfare and wellbeing of both horses and riders has coincided with a proliferation of practitioners, products, and training providers. This can make it difficult to identify a practitioner who operates to high standards and has the necessary training, skill, knowledge, and experience to deliver professional and trustworthy service.
The Equine Fitters Council, as the independent authority for equine fitters, will work to set standards, promote education, and encourage professional practice within the industry. We believe that those who work with equines should be professionally competent and subject to regulation.

Meet the Council
An independent, impartial board of experts working in the interests of the equine fitting sector, those who employ equine fitting services, the equestrian industry, and the horse.
The CouncilThe Equine Fitters Directory
Aims and objectives
The Equine Fitters Council, a not-for-profit and impartial body, oversees the Equine Fitters Directory, a much-needed resource in an industry where the choice of practitioners, products, and training providers can be overwhelming.
The Directory serves as a comprehensive online resource that provides access to an independent and verified list of saddle, bit, bridle, and harness fitters. With a standardised format for presenting information about each fitter or training course, the Equine Fitters Directory provides users with an informed choice. It will be the means through which standards are communicated, and regulation applied.
By delivering voluntary regulation, the Council seeks to contribute to public confidence in equestrian activities and lift standards of practice and horse welfare.