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The Society of Master Saddlers is a membership organisation, a training provider, and an End-Point Assessment Organisation recognised by OfQual. Part of a long tradition of Guilds or Liveries going back to the 1100s, the Society was started by and for a group of retailing Master Saddlers in 1966. It has since developed into an international organisation representing not only retailers but individual craft saddlers, saddle and bridle fitters, as well as manufacturers and suppliers to the trade. We invest in research and uphold the highest standards from our members and their employees ensuring that horse welfare and safety is at the forefront of everything we do.
We design and deliver world leading saddle fitting and bridle fitting pathways and courses leading to qualification. Our team of dedicated and highly experienced Lecturers and Assessors are not affiliated to any specific brand and are drawn from a pool of 30 ensuring impartiality and non-commercial bias across our craft and fitting qualifications. Our qualifications align with the City & Guilds curriculum and are externally Quality Assured by City & Guilds who invigilate our assessments. They also evaluate the assessors during the assessment process to ensure standardisation across all assessments.
Our Lecturers and Assessors undertake many hours of CPD in both their own area of expertise along with specific CPD for lecturing and assessing. The most recent was delivered by our partner Hartpury University, covering Inclusivity, Student Experience, Microteach and Neurodivergence. Many of our assessors have completed their educational assessment training and qualification with Brooks and Kirk, an independent training provider to guarantee candidates the most professional learning and assessment experience.

Qualified Saddle Fitting Training Course

Location:Moulton College, Northamptonshire
Outcome:Externally quality-assured qualification
Duration:18 months
Award:SMS City & Guilds Certificate in Saddle Fitting (4751-03)
Awarding body:Society of Master Saddlers
Higher level /
ongoing training:
We offer complementary training in allied subjects
We offer advanced equine fitting training
We offer CPD/ Refresher training
Learned hours:96
Practical teaching
(with horse):
Classroom teaching:39
Tutors:Andy Milner
Mark Fisher
Di Fisher
Dr Jane Nixon MA Vet MB BSc MRCVS
Other guest lecturers as required from a pool of 30
Assessors:A pool of 30

Qualified Bridle Fitting Training Course

Location:Various equine colleges
Outcome:Externally quality-assured qualification
Duration:18 months
Award:SMS City & Guilds Certificate in Bridle Fitting & Measuring (4751-23)
Awarding body:Society of Master Saddlers
Learned hours:47
Practical teaching
(with horse):
Classroom teaching:10
Tutors:Frances Roche MVO
Catherine Baker
Dr Jane Nixon MA Vet MB BSc MRCVS
Other guest lecturers from a pool of 11
Assessors:A pool of 11

Introductory Saddle Fitting Course

Duration: 12 hours
Award:Certificate of completion
Awarding body:Society of Master Saddlers
Learned hours:12
Practical teaching
(with horse):
Classroom teaching:6
Tutors:Andy Milner
Sue Norton
Laurence Pearman
Dr Jane Nixon MA Vet MB BSc MRCVS
Plus various guest lectures from a pool of 30

Introductory Bridle Fitting Course

Duration: 12 hours
Award:Certificate of completion
Awarding body:Society of Master Saddlers
Learned hours:12
Practical teaching
(with horse):
Classroom teaching:6
Tutors:Frances Roche
Catherine Baker
Dr Jane Nixon MA Vet MB BSc MRCVS
Other guest lecturers as required from a pool of 11