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The independent directory
of equine fitters

Equine Fitters Council

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Welcome to the Directory

The Equine Fitters Directory allows you to search for and compare professional saddle, bit, bridle, and harness fitters. Quickly find the right equine fitter for you and your horse and be sure that every listed Equine Fitter is validated and meets the listing criteria set by the Equine Fitters Council: they must hold insurance, pursue continued professional development, and agree to abide by the EFC Code of Conduct.

The Equine Fitters Directory is totally impartial.

About the Directory - watch now: Find a Trusted Equine Fitter

Code of Conduct

Professional competence

Equine fitters must prioritise the health and welfare of the horse and the safety of the rider. They must ensure the service they provide is appropriate and adequate.

Read the full code of conduct

Code of Conduct

Honesty and integrity

Equine fitters must be open and honest with clients and respect their needs and circumstances. They must always explain to the client the basis for any fitting decision they make.

Read the full code of conduct

Code of Conduct

Independence and impartiality

An Equine fitter must exercise personal and independent judgement. They must provide independent and impartial advice and inform a client of any conflict of interest or commercial arrangement which would limit their freedom to provide such advice impartially.

Read the full code of conduct

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Equine Professionals
working with Equine Fitters

Make referrals with confidence and build a strong team around every client. The Equine Fitters Directory is an independent and current resource providing a searchable database of validated Equine Fitters and guidance on practitioner training and standards of practice.

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